The Core Bible Series™ — Read Or Listen To The Entire Story Of The Bible In Only One Or Two Hours. Most Of The Text In The Following Two Short Summaries Is Taken Directly From The International English™ Bible — One Of The Clearest Bible Translations Ever Written.
These two amazing compilations of Scripture deliver a powerful summary of the entire Bible story and message in just one or two hours!
Rapidly gain a clear understanding of the timeline and message of the entire Bible.
These text and audio Bible summary files are an excellent tool for evangelism. You can freely use them to lead others to Christ.
Whether you need to improve your English, or just want to enhance your understanding of the Bible timeline and message, you can choose to follow the text on the screen as you listen to the corresponding audio files.
Enjoy two complete versions of The Core Bible Series™ — (1) The Bible In One Hour™ and (2) The Bible In Two Hours™. Feel free to copy and share these unique Bible summaries with others.
Note: You may freely distribute The Bible In One Hour™ and The Bible In Two Hours™. However, you may NOT charge money for either title or make any changes to the audio files or the written text. To download an audio file ‘right click’ its name and select ‘Save link as’ or ‘Save target as’.
Click Below To Read Or Download:
The Bible in One Hour™
The Bible in Two Hours™
Or listen to The Bible In One Hour™ — enjoy a one hour audio summary of the Bible taken from the International English™ Bible. Explore and understand the timeline and central message of the Bible in only one hour!
Listen to The Bible In Two Hours™ — Part One. Enjoy a two hour audio summary of the Bible taken from the International English™ Bible. Explore in more detail the timeline and central message of the Bible in only two hours!
Listen to The Bible In Two Hours™ — Part Two.