The Gift of Hope Carefully Combines The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke And John Along With The Book Of Acts Into A Single Timeline Narrative.
A chronological account of the Life of Jesus Christ and His Apostles as a single story.
All of the words of this narrative are taken directly from the International English™ Bible.
Edited By: Dr. Stanley L. Morris
• The Gospels and Acts presented in chronological order.
• All of the words taken directly from the Bible.
• Not a paraphrase! Accurate to the Original Languages.
• Expresses the original meaning clearly.
• Easy to understand.
• Simple, natural English, like a conversation.
• Paperback and Kindle Editions available from Amazon.
The Gift of Hope brings to life some of the most important words you will ever read.
The chronological story of the Life of Jesus and His Apostles as told in either the Paperback or Kindle Edition brings to life some of the most important words you will ever read from the Bible. This story proclaims that Jesus is God’s Gift of Hope to everyone who believes in Him. We have no hope without Him. Jesus is the Only One who ever conquered death. And He died and rose again for you and for your salvation from sin. Read all about Him in this inspiring, easy-to-follow chronological narrative.
In The Gift of Hope the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) have been combined into one continuous narrative, with the shortest Gospel of Mark being the core. Unique sections in the other Gospels are added at the proper times to present one continuous story of the Life of Jesus Christ. The story includes Jesus’ birth, death on the cross, resurrection and the deeds of the Apostles after His resurrection.
The Gift of Hope clearly arranges the timeline of events in the Gospels and Acts
The Gift of Hope tells the story of the four Gospels and the Book of Acts (using only the words of the Bible) in chronological order so that you can easily follow along, clearly understanding the sequence of events.
The Gift of Hope tells this greatest of all stories in a very accurate and easy-to-understand way.
The Bible boldly proclaims in John 3:16:
“God loved the people of the world so much that He gave up His one and only Son. Every person who commits himself to Jesus will not be destroyed. Instead, that person will have eternal life” (IEB).
God truly wants each of us to respond to Jesus Christ so that we can receive His freely given Gift of Hope. This book, The Gift of Hope, tells this story in a very accurate, yet easy-to-understand way.