International English™ Bible (IEB)
Ministry Edition in Paperback
with Concise Essential Footnotes

The International English™ Bible Ministry Edition in Paperback of the Old and New Testaments with concise essential footnotes and a set of 12 black and white Bible maps in an attractive Blue Soft Cover Paperback Edition featuring large print for easy reading.
Edited by Dr. Stanley L. Morris
The Bible in Simple, Contemporary English that is Accurate to the Original Biblical Languages.
With large easy-to-read text, this is a fantastic paperback Bible for young and old alike. The IEB presents the Word in simple, clear, modern English, using a vocabulary of only 4,000 words (not counting proper names). Difficult terms, instead of being transliterated, are translated into simple English to make their meaning clear.
• Attractive blue soft cover with gold lettering.
• 1,673 pages.
• 6.25(w) x 8.75(h) x 0.75(d) inches.
• Large Print for easy reading.
• Old and New Testaments.
• Concise Essential Footnotes.
• Introductions to each Book of the Bible.
• 12 black and white Bible maps.
• Not a paraphrase, accurate to the Original Languages.
• Expresses the original meaning clearly.
• Simple, natural English, like a conversation.
• Easy to understand.
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