The Inspiration Of The Bible

by B. C. Goodpasture The Bible is here. No one can doubt that it exists. How did it come into existence? Is it wholly the work of man? Or, wholly the work of God? Or, is it a product of the cooperative work of man and God? It is not wholly the work of man. He could not have produced it if he would. Its contents are beyond the reach of human authorship. He would not have written it if he could. It condemns too many things which men by nature hold dear. It did not come, like…

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Standing for Truth

Johnny Ramsey Idealists are rare these days. Everything is supposed to be relative and not absolute. The humanists are absolutely positive about their relativity! But the clarion call of truth still demands that we take a definite stand for truth. The only way we can be free is through the liberty that Christ provides in the standard of truth (John 8:32-36). The Word of God has always been precious (1 Sam. 3:1). No man can really be wise if he has a disdain for Scripture (Jer. 8:9). The words of eternal life flow from Jesus (John 6:68) and…

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A New Zeal For The Old Paths

by Jon Gary Williams Introduction What a tremendous title for a lesson! As I looked at this topic I could not help but think that it strikes at the heart of one of the greatest needs of the church today! There is nothing lacking more in the kingdom of Christ. There is nothing we need more today than a greater zeal among members of the body of Christ. When we consider the subject of zeal we cannot help but be reminded of the church in the city of Rome. The ekklesia in Rome had a degree of zeal…

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The Bible Is The Infallibly Inspired Word Of God

by Gus Nichols The Bible claims to be given by inspiration of God. God would not give us a book containing error and falsehood. A great and good God would not give us a book for our guide throughout all our earthly lives which would deceive, mislead and ruin us in this world and damn our souls eternally in the next world. The Book of Nature In the book of nature we see God's goodness evidenced in a thousand ways every day. He adapted the fishes' fins to the water in which they are to be used in…

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The Bible And The Mind Of Man

by Dr. James D. Bales Because Christianity speaks of faith, there are those who assume that it is contrary to reason. They divide the world into those who walk by faith and those who walk by reason. Those who walk by faith belong to the "age of faith" which has been discredited and replaced by the "age of reason." The freedom of the mind is all important; therefore, they discredit Christianity because they think that it fetters thought. As a matter of fact, the world is not divided into those who walk by sight and those who walk…

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Back To The Bible For Authority

by James Meadows Introduction: 1. "Most Americans say they want guidance from God or the Bible, but few believe in moral absolutes, according to a new survey by the Gallup Organization" (Religious News Services). a. 70 percent agreed with this statement: "There are few moral absolutes; what is right or wrong usually varies from situation to situation." b. 70 percent said they believe it is important to "do what God or Scripture says when choosing between right and wrong, but 63 percent of the group reject the concept of moral absolutes." 2. One of the most tragic episodes…

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Our Biblical Heritage

by A. Lowell Altizer When we see the word "Heritage" and its relatives, "Inheritance" or "Legacy," we reflect upon the accomplishments of our progenitors and the fruitage of their labors coming our way. As we anticipate blessings coming therefrom, we view with great interest all that is involved. Where humanity is involved, such can be a blessing or a curse according to the path our benefactors have traveled. If their path has been that of righteousness, good comes therefrom. If it be that of unrighteousness, we might be influenced to be accordingly. In our consideration of "Biblical Heritage,"…

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A Good Translation Must Be Understandable

by Dr. Stanley L. Morris When God revealed Himself to mankind, He expected to be understood. He inspired the writers of the biblical books to communicate exactly what He said. The various authors of the sacred writings also expected to be understood by their audiences. Therefore, it is not unreasonable that we should demand that a translation of God’s Word be understandable. When God spoke a truth, He meant one thing by what He said. It was clear-cut. The prophets preceded the words with: “Thus saith the Lord.” God’s revelations were unambiguous (unlike the Delphic oracles). We consider…

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Source Texts For The International English™ Bible

by Dr. Stanley L. Morris We determined that an English Bible translation should not come from another English Bible. It should be translated directly from the original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek). We are only as accurate as our source texts. Therefore, Bible translators must follow the most reliable, ancient Biblical texts. The New Testament was originally written in a special type of Greek—Koiné Greek. It was not the Classical Greek of Homer or Plato or Socrates or Aristotle. No, it was in an everyday conversational language used by almost everyone in daily life and commerce throughout the…

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How The Bible Should Be Translated Today

By Dr. Stanley L. Morris The Bible is the message of God. It is the inspired, infallible, written record of God’s will. Through the Bible, God speaks to mankind. In order for all people to easily understand what God wants, it is extremely important that the Holy Scriptures be accurately translated into contemporary language. The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. It is noteworthy that it was written in Koine (common) Greek — an everyday type of language which was used by almost everyone in conversation and commerce throughout the Roman Empire. Today the widespread…

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Interview With The Author Of A New Bible Version

by Rich Brown In Stanley Morris’ view, the Bible is not communicating with many people in church pews these days, and he wants to change that. His method has been to translate this best-selling book of all time into the simplest possible format to accommodate as low as fourth-grade reading levels. The result is the International English™ Bible that Morris has spent half of his 74 years of life completing. He will talk about the book at First United Methodist Church’s 55+ Lunch Bunch meeting Tuesday. Morris was invited to speak to the group by his longtime friend…

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IEB Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews Of The International English™ Bible A must have translation! Easier to read & no ambiguities. By Charles F on March 16, 2015 The International English™ Bible is great reading and so are the references! I ordered this one for myself and two for missionary friends who teach in Europe. Clarifies "baptism" as "immersion", just like William Tyndale did 500 years ago. Very important to me. Also in John 3:16 one who commits himself to Jesus will be saved, not simply "believes." In Genesis 1:1 God created the Universe has much greater impact to me. Thanks for…

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